Translation par excellence

When a contract, or a legal or official document is rendered in a foreign language, the authenticity and accuracy of the translation, and attention to detail are exceptionally important. A minor slip or the misinterpretation of a phrase may have serious consequences.

The agency’s translators, specialised translators, linguistic revisers, specialised revisers and editors are highly experienced and form a well-prepared team, guaranteeing professionalism, dependability and accuracy in all aspects from translation to pre-press services.

Whether it’s a tender, presentation, account, contract, user manual, instruction manual, other business text or website that you need translating, FORDuna will only give your job to a translator who is experienced in the field and has the requisite expertise. Our qualified revisers will fine-tune the translations, giving the contents their final form.

FORDuna Fordító Kft.
Cím: 1113 Budapest,
Bartók B. út 86.

Tel.: 209-2482 | 209-2483

Fax: 386-8626


H-Cs: 8:30-17:00
P: 8:30-15:00

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